7231 Remmet Ave. 818.992.8811

  Canoga Park, California,. 91303.

 Email: eilishsacks@gmail.com

Email: chris.e.sacks@gmail.com

  Serving Aerospace and Film/TV

 For More Than 45 Years!

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Mode on PC, Landscape Mode. On Smart Phone. 

WonderWorks has been creating and renting reasonably accurate replicas of the Space Station (ISS) since the 1980's.  We can now replicate American, Russian and Chinese Space Stations entirely and Space Lab as rentals.

Pictures here are of our ISS, International Space Station, which has appeared in many films such as the 2024 Movie I.S.S., THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, BBC SPACE CADETS Reality Show and  BBC's SPACE ODYSSEY. Most of the cabinets and lighting are functional.  Assembly is designed to be quick and easy even for a full module.  

WonderWorks has also built other habitats such as the Ergonomics SpaceHab module used by NASA at their Eames Research Facility in California.  

Replica Habitats and Modules are available for sale or rent to museums or for exhibition.

We have appropriate Interior/IVA SPACESUITS and casual wear for astronauts.  

We also have form-fitting modern Spacesuits similar to LEO, EMU, XEMU and MEO.

Additional information is at our detailed SPACE STATION REPLICA FAQ page.

This site is work in progress.   Please check back periodically for Updates.

Alternate, optional, ISS End Cap with window on World 

WonderWorks ISS as seen in The Day After Tomorrow Movie

Our ISS Cupola Mounted to ISS Module as in reality.

ISS CUPOLA attached to ISS module on the end to create a spacecraft  instead of to side



classroom WW Designed & Created using our I.S.S. molds

Our LEO suit in ISS Module, Apollo Capsule, Saturn Model, etc.

For NASA Exhibit in Tel Aviv.

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